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Negotiation only service

As a key part of our company sales offering, we can provide a tailor made service to assist business owners who have already been approached by a potential purchaser or a management team.

Whilst an individual buyer situation is not always ideal, there are circumstances when the right parties are already in discussion. We can greatly help in these situations, partly by de-personalising any uncomfortable issues and also in using our experience to maximise the proceeds.

If the circumstances are appropriate, we will advise on the possible introduction of other bidders to bring a competitive element, ensuring that the maximum value is achieved. Our experience shows that bidder competition has a positive influence on the sale price offered, terms and conditions of the transactions and the speed of the negotiation process. This strategy can offer a fall-back position should the initial purchaser fail to meet your expectations.

If you would like to find out more about our personalised negotiation only service please call Malcolm Coomber on 020 8652 2450 or email mec@clarksonhyde.com