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Helping others

We are passionate about helping less fortunate people to have a better quality of life and have been involved in a number of charitable causes over the years. Our most recent was our ‘Chasse aux Tresors’ charity treasure hunt to France, alongside clients and good friends Penta Consulting

This was our 7th Chasse aux Tresors and 25 years since our first to St. Malo in Brittany.

The three charities we raised money for were:

The Weir Archer Academy – set up by the enormously successful Paralympic athlete David Weir CBE, to give training and support to disabled athletes.

Young Epilepsy – a Surrey-based charity which we have supported for over two decades and which provides help for severely epileptic children.

The Frog Fund – the fund is for the support of disabled Special Forces Servicemen and their families, the very brave guys who risk all to keep the rest of us safe.

We’ll be working on our next charitable fundraiser soon!

A few comments from our previous treasure hunters!:

“… would just like to thank you for an absolutely wonderful weekend – we all had an incredible time and had so much fun running around the stunning countryside looking for clues… this was our first experience of the trip and are all disappointed that we missed out on the others!”

Tina & Ray Purcell

“… fantastic weekend… I have organized a number of charity events in my time and have some idea, therefore of the work that your team put into the weekend. Organizing such a large number of people over 3 days, with transport, accommodation, and entertainment, to say nothing of the treasure hunt itself, was a huge undertaking and brilliantly done…

Digby Armstrong

“A friend of ours who could not make the event bumped into a friend of theirs the other day who mentioned that they had been on the best weekend of their lives, a treasure hunt to France organized by an accounting firm in Sutton! When it became clear it was the same event they hoped another would follow soon!

Keith Montague

“Thank you so much for providing a terrific weekend… we really enjoyed ourselves and it’s a shame that this was our first and has to be our last. However, put our names down if your resolve weakens!”

Richard & Geraldine Harreiter