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Our fee structure

We don’t take a one size fits all approach to the way we work with our clients and so steer away from ‘off-the-shelf’ packaged services. We do, however, always strive to provide our business owners and personal clients with excellent value for money support and advice, as well as transparency over our charging structure.

Once we’ve had a chat about the kind of support you need, we’ll provide a proposal with an itemized fee estimate for your approval. If you need assistance in other areas down the line, we’ll always let you know about fees in advance, before we roll up our sleeves and get on with the job. We’re not about nasty surprises, nor starting the stopwatch every time you pick up the phone to us.

Some clients prefer to set up monthly or quarterly standing orders to spread support costs. Others prefer to settle invoices for services as things arise. We’re happy to work the way you want to work. What’s most important is that you come to trust us so that you can focus on what you’re best at. And we’re confident you will!

If you’d like to come in to learn more about how we could support you or your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Graham Speck on 020 8652 2450, or email gs@clarksonhyde.com