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Sell your business

We specialize in selling owner-managed businesses, helping throughout the whole process – from the early business grooming preparations through to finding target buyers, the eventual negotiations, and deal structuring for maximum tax efficiency.

We can also assist clients who have found their buyers with the negotiation and tax structuring stages.

The business for sale process is a complex blend of experience, art, and science, and we’ll work with you at each stage, as required, to:

Value your business

As Chartered Accountants and Corporate Financiers with many years of experience in valuing businesses for a host of different purposes, we will provide a realistic and robust figure to help you assess the next steps.

Prepare and groom your business to maximize its value

In order to maximize the proceeds, it is essential to groom the company well before it is actually put up for sale. This process can take a few months or years and has the purpose of both increasing the attractiveness and the value of the business to potential buyers.

The grooming issues fall into those that will enhance the profits and attractiveness of the business and those that will make the sale process easier.

Define a target buyer profile

We’ll build a thorough understanding of your business, the market you operate in, your competitors and also investigate whether there are any complementary businesses that could be presented with the opportunity of acquiring your business.

Once we’ve defined a profile for the target buyer, we’ll tap into our extensive M&A databases and industry contacts, including our cross-border colleagues within Clarkson Hyde Global, to market to properly researched, pre-qualified possible buyers.

We understand that this stage needs to be handled with care and your business’ identity will never be disclosed to potential acquirers without them signing a confidentiality agreement.

Select the ‘best suitors’

Once we have a short list of potential buyers, we’ll work with you to assess which presents the best opportunity and fit with your objectives for the business, after you move on.

Your optimal buyer will have a number of key facets and will ideally pay a premium price, have adequate funding, add value to the business, be acceptable to management, and have the authority to deal (without having to refer back for approval).

Negotiate the deal

Your primary deal adviser will work with our tax specialists to negotiate and structure the best possible deal terms with your preferred acquirer. The tax angles can often be overlooked and this is fundamental to making sure you walk away with as much of the sale proceeds as possible.

Of course, with every deal, there must be a compromise but our advisers will use their financial and commercial expertise, experience, and specialist negotiation skills to ensure you end up with the best possible deal. They are pros at keeping the buyer and their advisers on the side, to ensure things run as smoothly as possible.

The various elements are explained further in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section.

We’re also happy to explain why we think our different approaches could help you achieve your company sale goals, and answer any questions you may have.  Please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone to learn more, by calling 020 8652 2450 or emailing Malcolm Coomber at mec@clarksonhyde.com